Please fill in as much of the detail on the form as you can to help us get an idea of the number, condition and whereabouts of all surviving HMC Sportscars.
There is no fee for entering your car on the register but if you tick the box to be notified of any future events there may be fees applied to enter these events.
As this is only intended to be a register of all known surviving cars there will not be a newsletter or other regular correspondence, if however, you wish to sell your car we would be happy to hear from you and may be able to assist with the sale as we are often asked about cars for sale by potential new owners.
If you do sell your car we would appreciate you passing on the register information to the new owner so that they can keep us up to date on the car’s whereabouts.
If you have anything such as parts or information concerning your HMC which you think may be of interest to other owners, please send us the details, we will endeavour to let other registered owners have the information where relevant.
If you know of any other HMC, could you please mention them to us and or mention the register to the owner if possible.